Introduction of OIA
About Office of International Affairs (OIA)
To conduct international cooperation as well as provide assistance to international students, NKUST established the Center for International Affairs and Language Learning in August, 2013. To better promote international affairs, NKUST carries out an organizational reshuffle, and the Office of International Affairs (OIA) is officially established in August, 2014 to carry out international exchange, international academic activities, and assistance to international students and visitors. Currently OIA consists of Academic Exchange Section and Overseas Students Section.
By striving to pursue excellence and innovation, NKUST aims to serve as a bridge of international academic exchange, actively strengthens relations with partnership universities, promotes faculty/student international exchange, and improves international visibility and reputation. NKUST also endeavors to promote an international-friendly campus, enhance the level of internationalization of all colleges, as well as strengthen communication among different units.
Logo and Explanation
The OIA logo consists of the five-paged book and the earth pattern. These five pages of the book are in white, black, green, red, and yellow and represent Metal (金 jīn), Water (水 shuǐ), Wood (木 mù), Fire (火 huǒ), and Earth (土 tǔ) of The Five Elements (五行 wǔ xíng). These 5 different colors not only represent “The Five Elements”, but also symbolize the five campuses of NKUST:
“Metal represents the characteristic of Jiangong Campus,
Water represents the characteristic of Cijin Campus,
Wood represents the characteristic of Nanzih Campus,
Fire represents the characteristic of First Campus,
Earth represents the characteristic of Yanchao Campus.”
The Five Elements (五行wǔ xíng) is a Chinese philosophy from Hong Fan in Shang Shu. It is used to describe the endless universe. Therefore, we look forward to the five campuses getting together and having a great future.
Above the book, the Earth consists of 4+8=12 pieces. It represents that friends come from 四面八方sì miàn bā fang (Literal meaning is 4 side and 8 directions in Chinese; As idiom, it means all sides). Left side of the Earth is green, which represents sustainable development. The right half is blue and represents the ocean and the sky. The idea is that NKUST has various colleges, departments, and diversified fields of study.
The letters “NKUST” are in sky blue color. It is our hope that NKUST can develop infinitely and have a bright future like the limitless sky.
The meaning of OIA’s logo can be illustrated by 24 Chinese words:
四面八方: sì miàn bā fang (Friends from different aspects of lives.)
五湖四海: wǔ hú sì hǎi (Friends come from all over the word.)
五區相融: wǔ qū xiāng róng (5 campuses get together.)
五行相運: wǔ xíng xiāng yùn (5 campuses can develop well forever as “The Five Elements” said.)
廣結善緣: guǎng jié shàn yuan (Make friends from all over the world)
永續發展: yǒng xùfā zhǎn (Develop sustainably.)
We welcome schools, teachers, visitants, and students from all over the world to visit NKUST, to be partner university, cooperate with us, or become one of us.
Office of International Affairs of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology looks forward to making friends from all over the world, having strong friendships with partner university forever, and developing sustainably. Also, we believe we can go toward the internationalization, create infinity and have better futures.