【ANNOUNCEMENT】111-1 NKUST outstanding international student scholarship application for current stud


Open for applications:June 24(Fri.) ~ July 17(Sun.) (23:59)

Application Guide :https://reurl.cc/p12E4Q


A.    Application steps:

1.      Log-in the online application system: https://reurl.cc/WrgAd7

Account: student ID/ Password: the last 6 or 4 digits of your ARC or passport number (same as student portal system)

2.      Fill in all your personal information and choose the right department and college. (if not, your application will not be reviewed)

3.      Click the scholarship regulations, please refer to https://reurl.cc/e3gyjx

4.      Print out the application form at the second page, sign your name and get your professor’s signature, then scan and upload it to the system.

5.      Upload all the required documents.

6.      Make sure you upload all the required documents then press the button “Preview and Submit”.


B.     Application notes:

1.      Please submit the application form and all required documents before July 17th (23:59), 2022. Overdue applications will not be accepted. Those who have not submitted the application form are not eligible for replenishment.

2.      110-2 intake freshman students do not need to apply, your scholarship recipient period is 2022/3-2023/2, you will need to apply it around Jan., 2023.

3.      Current students have to apply scholarship every semester, the scholarship period this time is from 2022/9 to 2023/2. (6 months)


C.    Notes for Ph.D. students:

1.      Proof of paper presented at an international conference: please upload your: a). Attendance Certificate, b). Paper or Abstract (includes author order) EXAMPLE

2.      Proof of Paper accepted for publication or published in an international journal: please upload Your published paper or acceptance letter and paper draft, and highlight your name and corresponding author description.EXAMPLE

3.      Please make a paper list. (download the form ) EXAMPLE

4.      Please upload the journal information, please merge them if you published in more than 2 journals.  EXAMPLE

5.      Please see examples here: https://reurl.cc/Rrg7Ke

Scholarship regulations 

Old Regulation 2018https://reurl.cc/zMjQke

Old Regulation 2019https://reurl.cc/jkj6e2

Old Regulation 2020https://reurl.cc/GoRaRd




開放申請: 2022/6/24(五)~2022/7/17(日)(23:59)




  1. 登入獎學金申請系統:https://reurl.cc/WrgAd7


  1. 填寫申請表,點選正確的科系及學院,選錯系院則無法審查。
  2. 點選你適用之獎學金辦法,請查閱 https://reurl.cc/e3gyjx
  3. 列印申請表,確認資料無誤後簽名及指導教授或導師簽名,完成後掃描上傳至系統。
  4. 上傳所有應備文件。
  5. 確認所有資料已上傳,點“送出申請”。



  1. 請於111年6月24 至7月17日(23:59)以前完成此申請表和完成上傳所有的應備文件,逾期件將不受理,亦無補件機會。
  2. 110-2學期入學的新生不需要提出申請,你們的受獎期間是2022/3-2023/2,續領申請時間約於2023年1月。
  3. 在校生需每學期提出申請,本次獎學金的申請月份為2022年9月至2023年2月(共6個月)。



  1. 上傳國際研討會證明者:請上傳a).已發表之國際研討會論文(摘要)、b).研討會出席證明。EXAMPLE
  2. 上傳國際期刊論文者:請上傳已發表或已被接受發表之論文,並請標註自己的姓名及通訊作者說明處。EXAMPLE
  3. 請上傳論文清單,含本學期新增或過去曾上傳的所有論文。(表格下載:https://reurl.cc/41OL6vEXAMPLE
  4. 請上傳投稿期刊出版社資訊,二家以上請合併成一個檔案。EXAMPLE
  5. 請參考範例:https://reurl.cc/Rrg7Ke



第一舊法 https://reurl.cc/OAg8gD






*These ANNOUNCEMENT are enacted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.