【活動轉知】姊妹校-上奧地利邦專業高等學院 -「互動媒體及醫學工作學程介紹」線上說明會

一. 活動名稱:Unique Career Opportunities with Interactive Media & Medical Engineering Studies

二. 活動主辦人:University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria上奧地利邦專業高等學院

三. 活動報名連結:fhupperaustria.clickmeeting.com

四. 活動日期:  2021年5月12日 星期三,於下午5:30 (UTC+08)

五. 價格:免費

六. 參與者身分:所有Facebook 用戶和非用戶

七. 相關資訊:

Did you know that our media interaction lab is one of the leading research labs in the field of human-computer interaction and studying Medical Engineering can save lives with the help of medical robotics, pacemakers, bionic prostheses and artificial intelligence based support? Make your dream job a reality. Find out more in our info talk and learn about the focus of studies & career profile.

八. 聯絡方式及詳細資訊: 請洽臉書官網及活動頁面

活動頁面:  https://www.facebook.com/events/456856552082646/

臉書官網:  https://www.facebook.com/FH.Upper.Austria